Hundreds of Trivia Questions for Kids

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Kids love feeling smart, trivia is a great way to encourage that love for knowledge and self esteem. Get kids using their brains with this critical thinking activity. Below are hundreds of trivia questions for school age kids.

How to Setup Trivia

  1. Develop your own questions or select a some from the 100’s of questions below.
  2. Decide on the format you would like to use.  I have used the following three options
    1. You can use paper and pencil or  purchase small dry erase boards to have participants write down their answers
    2. You can have teams take turns answering, with a steal option when a team or player gets the question wrong
    3. Use technology like the wireless eggspert.
  3. Decide if there will be points or if the game is just for fun, and if there will be a prize or any reward for participating
  4. Get your best game show host voice on and get playing!​
wireless eggspert trivia tool

My Recommendation for Trivia Format
I like adding trivia to my after school and summer camp programs with the Wireless eggspert buzzer game. I bought the wireless version, but they have a cheaper variation if you do not mind wires.  The game comes with 6 colored buzzers that buzz light up and flash. Kids love pushing the buzzers, it gets them excited about the game. . If you are looking for a way to get kids more excited about trivia give this eggspert game a try! Click here to see the current price on amazon.

Earth Science Trivia for kids

  1. Precipitation that falls in form of balls of ice is called what? Hail
  2. What is the red hot stuff that flows on the out of a volcano? lava
  3. The droplets of water (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) fall back to the earth, this is called:
    1. Evaporation
    2. Condensation
    3. Precipitation
  4. Which type of soil is made up of very, very tiny grains of rock?
    1. Clay
    2. humus
    3. sand
    4. loam
  5. What does the Richter scale measure? energy trapped in the earthquake
  6. Put these layers of the Earth in order, starting from the outermost to the innermost layer:  Mantle, Outer Core, Crust, Inner Core. Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.

Science Grab Bag Trivia

  1. How many lungs does the human body have? 2
  2. What are the two holes in your nose called? Nostrils
  3. How many bones does a worm have in their bodies? 0
  4. A doe is the name of the female  kind of what animal? deer
  5. True or false. Ice sinks in water? False
  6. A thermometer is used to measure what? Temperature
  7. What part of a plant absorbs water to grow? Roots
  8. Are magnets attracted to all metals? no
  9. What season do animals hibernate and eat the food they had stored up all year? winter
  10. How do birds adapt to cold winter weather? Migration
  11. Which part of a plant absorbs light which provides nutrients for the plant? The leaves
  12. Name three of the four things an animal needs to survive. Air, Water, food shelter
  13. What is sticky and sweet and comes from bees? Honey
  14. What is the earth’s primary source of energy? The sun
  15. What is the fastest land animal in the world? Cheetah
  16. What planet is closest to the sun? Mercury
  17. Water freezes at what temperature? 32 degrees
  18. The death of every member of a particular species is known as what? Extinction

Animals Trivia

  1. What do birds, mammals, and reptiles breathe with? Lungs
  2. What are animals who eat meat called? Carnivores
  3. Is a salamander an amphibian or a reptile? Amphibian
  4. How do cats know whether or not they can fit in small spaces? Whiskers
  5. What is an example of an arthropod?  insects, spiders, crustaceans, scorpions, and centipedes
  6. What large scary ocean animal has no bones, and is made almost entirely of cartilage? Shark  
  7. True or false. A baby mouse will grow up to be a bat? false
  8. What farm animal gives us the milk we drink? Cow
  9. True or false. People are mammals? true
  10. What is the tallest animal in the kingdom? Giraffe
  11. Considered one of the four big cats, this animal is second in size to only the tiger.  What sets this animal apart is the mane that grows around the males neck. Lion
  12. What is a carnivore? An animal that eats meat

Animal Babies Trivia

  1. Cat. Kitten
  2. Cow. Calf
  3. Pig. piglet
  4. Deer. fawn
  5. Bear. Cub
  6. Kangaroo. Joey

Nutrition Trivia

  1. True or false.  Milk helps to strengthen bones? true
  2. Which food belongs to the meat group? Ice cream, hamburger, or Lettuce
  3. What does the Food Guide Pyramid Show? How many servings of different food you should eat each day
  4. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are in which group? Meat group, Dairy group, Bread group
  5. What is an example of protein? Meat, fish, eggs, beans, milk or cheese
  6. Name four of the six categories on the food pyramid. Fats and sweets, dairy, vegetables, meat or protein, fruit and starches

Astronomy Trivia

  1. What is the center of our solar system? The sun
  2. A hot ball of light that appears tiny in the night sky is called what? A star
  3. How long does it take the earth to rotate around the sun? 1 year 365 days
  4. Including earth, there are eight planets how many are smaller than earth? 3, mercury, Venus, mars
  5. A dwarf planet is a large ball of rock, ice, and gas what former planet was down-graded to a dwarf planet? Mercury, Pluto, mars, or Venus?
  6. What planet is closest to the sun? Mercury

Medical Terms Trivia for kids

100 – What is a hole in your tooth called? Cavity
200 – What is the best way to prevent the spread of disease? Wash hands
300 – What a kidney is taken from one person and put into another person it is called what? Transplant
400 – If you have been diagnosed with heart disease do you have a communicable disease or a non communicable disease? Non-communicable
500 – True or false. Immunizations are when doctors inject some of a disease into you to keep you healthy. True
600 – List 2 things that people can do to damage their hearts?
1)Be inactive (sedentary) and not get enough exercise. 
2)Have poor nutrition. 
4)Have a lot of emotional stress.

Nursery Rhymes Trivia

  1. What Bridge is falling down? London
  2. What does the nimble Jack jump over in the nursery rhyme? Candle stick
  3. In the poem Diddle Diddle Dumpling, John has something on and something off? What is the poem talking about? Shoe
  4. In the poem Humpty Dumpty, where was Humpty when he fell? The Wall
  5. In the rhyme, “Hey Diddle Diddle”, who runs away with the dish? Spoon
  6. What creature scares Little Miss Muffet? Spider

Dr. Suess Trivia

  1. What season did the Grinch hate? Christmas
  2. What is the name of the grinches dog? Max
  3. Who asked do you like green eggs and ham? Sam I am
  4. Who heard a who? Horton
  5. Finish this sentence. One fish two fish, red fish , _________ .  blue fish
  6. What are the names of the cat in the hats helpers? Thing one and thing two

Board Game Trivia

  1. What game allows you to become a teacher or a doctor? Life
  2. If you had a patrol boat and a submarine, what game would you be playing? Battle Ship
  3. What game would you be playing if you were trying to find out who killed Mr. Body? Clue
  4. What game involves removing stones (or game pieces) for points? Mancala
  5. What game would you be playing if you were trying to take over the world? Risk
  6. What game claims to ‘Tie you up in knots’? Twister

Fairy Tales Trivia

  1. In little red riding hood who does the wolf dress up as? Grandmother
  2. What did Goldilocks do to the baby bears porridge? She ate it
  3. In the Three Little Pigs what was the strongest house made of? brick
  4. Why didn’t Goldilocks sleep in papa bears bed? It was to hard
  5. In three Billy goats Gruff where does the troll live? Under the bridge
  6. In jack and the beanstalk what does the giant say? Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.

Rhyme Time Trivia for kids

  1. Rhyme this word: Found
  2. Rhyme this word: Dog
  3. Rhyme this word: Low
  4. Rhyme this word: Eggs
  5. Rhyme this word: Give
  6. Rhyme this word: Ape
  7. Rhyme this word. Fool
  8. Rhyme this word. Blew
  9. Rhyme this word. food
  10. Rhyme this word. fire
  11. Rhyme this word. River
  12. Rhyme this word. Griddle

Identify the Sport Trivia

  1. What sports uses a racket, ball, and a net? Tennis
  2. What sport coined the phrase home run? Baseball
  3. What sport was Michael Jordan a player for? Basketball
  4. In what sport do players use their heads, knees, feet, and elbows to control the ball? Soccer
  5. What does par mean in golf? Average number of strokes to the tee
  6. What sport is played at Wimbledon? Tennis

Baseball Trivia

  1. How many strikes do you get in baseball before you are ‘out’? 3
  2. How many innings are in a game of professional baseball? 9
  3. How many outfielders are there in the game of MLB baseball? 3
  4. In baseball what is the term for the player who crouches behind home plate? catcher
  5. In baseball what happens if the batter gets hit by a pitch? Get a free base
  6. How many baseball players are on the field? 9

Super Heroes Trivia

  1. Who is the main of steel? Superman
  2. Who is the Dark Knight? Bat man
  3. Who wears red tights and hates green rocks? Superman
  4. Drives a black car and hates jokes. Batman
  5. Huge with a Shade of Envy. Hulk
  6. Shielded by America’s Star. Captain America
  7. What Disney Pixar movie is about a dog who thinks he is a superhero, but is actually on a tv show? Bolt
  8. Who is Batman’s sidekick? Robin
  9. What is Superman’s only weakness? Kryptonite
  10. What is superman’s human name? Clark Kent
  11. Batman protects what city? Gotham city
  12. This superhero’s super tools included bulletproof bracelets and a magic lasso. Who is she? Wonder woman

Spanish Words Trivia for kids

  1. Si (yes)
  2. Hola (hello)
  3. Gracias (Thank you)
  4. Adios (good bye)
  5. Como estas (how are you)
  6. Salud (bless you)​

Reference Materials Trivia

  1. What reference book gives words, meaning, pronunciations, and part of speech? Dictionary
  2. True or false. Wikipedia is a reliable website for information. False
  3. Why would you use a thesaurus? To find a word with the same meaning a synonym
  4. Where would you look to find the exact page number where information on a given topic can be located? Index
  5. What tells you what is in a book, in order by section or chapter? Table of contents
  6. What book would help you find information about the Creek Indian Tribe? Encyclopedia​​

Compound words Trivia

  1. I am very beautiful and you can find me in the sky, what am I? Rainbow
  2. You use me to travel long distances in the sky, what am I? airplane
  3. You like to eat me at baseball games with ketchup and relish, what am I? hotdog
  4. You make me when it gets really cold. I am made of three balls, what am I? snowman
  5. I live and swim in the ocean. I have whiskers what am I? catfish
  6. You  use me to tell show the past, present, and future. What am I? Timeline

Language Arts Trivia

  1. Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher,”Maria told her mother. “I really enjoy the lessons in her class.” In this paragraph, what does the word enjoy means? —like
  2. All of the following are compound words EXCEPT–  airplane, newspaper, rainbow or smarter
  3. What is the contraction for will not? Won’t
  4. What is the verb in the following sentence? My mother walks me to school every morning. Walks
  5. What is an antonym for normal? weird, unusual….
  6. What are two synonyms for the word smart? Clever, intelligent, wise, bright brilliant

Spelling Trivia

  1. Boat
  2. Green
  3. monkey
  4. Said
  5. Because
  6. Voice
  7. brain
  8. splash
  9. Library
  10. nation
  11. Manatee
  12. Tough  

Opposites Trivia

  1. What is the opposite of stop? Go
  2. What is the opposite of happy? Sad
  3. What is the opposite of right? Left
  4. What is the opposite of down? Up
  5. What is the opposite of off? on
  6. What is the opposite of cheap? Expensive

​Fix the sentence Trivia

  1. We saw two mouses running through the field. Mice
  2. I throwed the ball at the target. Threw
  3. Shadow and spot plays with the ball. Play
  4. Katie bakes a cake yesterday. Baked
  5. Emily and Ellie raked the soil. Gracie plants the seeds. Planted
  6. Everyone who plays sports have to be able to commit a lot of time. Has

The Arts Trivia for kids

  1. Finish the sentence. A portrait is a picture of a _____________ (a person)
  2. Finish the sentence. A lanscape is a picture of a _____________ (land)
  3. The person who leads the band or chorus is called the. musician, composer, conductoror engineer
  4. Red, yellow, and blue are colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors together, what is the name for these colors. Primary
  5. The five lines that notes are written on is called .. The five lines that notes are written on is called a.
  6. What note is on the first line of the treble cleff? E

The Wizard of Oz Trivia

  1. What color is the road that Dorothy has to follow in order to get to the wizard? Yellow
  2. What is the name of Dorothy’s dog? Toto
  3. Who are Dorothy’s three friends that travel with her to OZ? tin man, lion, scarecrow
  4. What color is the wicked witch? Green
  5. In order to get home Dorothy needs to click her heels together and repeat what sentence. There is no place like home.
  6. What state is Dorothy from? Kansas

Candy bar slogans Trivia

  1. Complete this famous owl saying candy slogan. “How many licks does it take to get to the bubble gum center of a ___________ Totsie Pop
  2. Taste the rainbow. Skittles
  3. Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of the that____ _____ _____ Kit Kat Bar
  4. Melts in your mouth not in your hand”? M&Ms
  5. Its all in the mix. Twix
  6. There’s no wrong way to eat a _________”.  Reese’s

Harry Potter Trivia

  1. What school does harry potter attend? hogwartz
  2. According to the book what color are harry’s eyes? green
  3. What core does Harry’s wand have? phoenix feather
  4. Name the 4 houses, as of the 1st book?  Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuf, Slytherin
  5. What is the Hogwarts motto? (in english) Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
  6. What color is the Polyjuice Potion?  a dark, murky, muddy brownish

Classic Disney Trivia

  1. In toy story who owns Woody? Andy
  2. What is the name of the baboon in the lion king? Rafiki
  3. I became a prisoner in a magical castle where I met a clock, a candlestick and a teapot.  Who am I? Belle
  4. Mike wazowski is a character in what Disney pixar film? Monsters inc
  5. What kind of fish in nemo? clown
  6. Name five of the seven dwarfs. Sleepy, sneezy, happy, grumpy, dopey, bashful and doc

TV shows by characters

  1. Patrick, squidward, Mr. Crabs, sandy – spongebob
  2. Timmy, Wanda, cosmos. – Fairly odd parents
  3. shaggy, Velma, Daphne, Freddy. –  Scooby doo
  4. Austin moon, Trish de la rose, ally Dawson, jimmy star, and dez – Austin and ally
  5. PJ, Teddy, Gabe, Charlie – good luck Charlie
  6. DJ, Stephanie, Michelle, Uncle Jessie, Joey, Danny – full house

Social Studies Trivia for kids

  1. Who was the first president of the united states? George Washington
  2. The Blue part of a map represents what? water
  3. What continent do we live on? North America
  4. A compass rose shows how many directions? 4
  5. Where does the president of the united states live while in office? The White house
  6. Which of the following is Not one of the great lakes? Alberta, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, or Superior

​American Firsts Trivia

  1. Who was Americans first African American president? Obama
  2. What is another term for the first 10 amendments to the constitution? The bill of rights
  3. What is the name of the first national park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone
  4. What year did women receive the right to vote? 1906, 1920, 1933, or 1941
  5. The first lady refers to the president’s wife, who was Americans 1st first lady? Martha Washington
  6. This state was the first state officially admitted into statehood 12/7/1787… just 5 days before Pennsylvania and 11 days before New Jersey.  In alphabetical order it falls between Connecticut and Florida. Delaware

Geography Trivia

  1. Is the north pole at the top or the bottom of a globe? Top
  2. What four main directions are on a compass? North South East West
  3. How many oceans are there in the world? 4 pacific, Atlantic, Indian, arctic
  4. We live in the United States of America which is on the continent of North America.  We share this content with two other countries. What two countries are they?  Mexico and Canada
  5. How many continents are there? 7
  6. Name four of the seven continents. N. America, S.America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Australia

Economics Trivia

  1. The definition of economics is:
    1. A part of social studies that looks at the way government works
    2. A part of social studies that looks at how we meet our wants and needs  
    3. A part of social studies that looks at how people make important decisions
  2. What is bartering? An exchange of goods or services for other goods or services without money
  3. True or false. Capitalism is an economic system in which most businesses are privately owned. True
  4. Opportunity cost is the cost we pay when we give up something to get something else. Jill had enough money to buy gum or a candy bar. She decided to buy the candy bar. What is her opportunity cost?
  5. Mrs. Smith raises bees as a hobby. Every summer she collects the honey, and puts it in jars to sell at the State Fair. Mrs. Smith is a      ___ of honey. Consumer,
    1. producer
    2. teacher
    3. cook
  6. Goods from the United States that are sold to people in other countries are called, imports, factors of production, or exports

Money Trivia for kids

  1. How many cents is a quarter worth? 25
  2. How many pennies equal 1 dollar? 100
  3. How many cents are in 2 quarters? 50
  4. You have 6 coins that equal 19 cents, which coins and how many do you have? 1 Dime, 1 Nickel & 4 Pennies
  5. You have seven coins that equal 1.16 cents, which coins and how many do you have? 4 Quarters, 1 Dime, 1 Nickel & 1 Penny
  6. You went to the store with $2.30 cents.  You want to buy as many candy bars as you can.  Each candy car is on sale for 35 cents. How many candy bars can you afford? 6 candy cars

Basic Math Trivia

  1. What is 2+2? 4
  2. What is 1+2+5? 8
  3. What is 40-10+5? 35
  4. What is 15+9-5-19? 0
  5. What is 56-9+11+45? 103
  6. If you add 40 together three times and subtract 25 what is your total? 95

Math Trivia

  1. What is 100-85? 15
  2. What is 10*8?  80
  3. On a clock when the big hand is on the 12 and the small hand is on the 3 what time is it? 3
  4. What is 500-100/4? 100
  5. What is 100/10+8/9? 2
  6. What is 45*2+30/2-55? 5

Fractions Trivia

  1. What is the bottom number of a fraction called? Denominator
  2. A number with the same numerator and denominator equals what? 1 or whole number
  3. What is 2/3 of 15? 10
  4. I have 20 gummy worms, 6 are yellow, 2 are green, and 12 are red.  What fraction are yellow gummy worms? 6/20 or 3/10
  5. What is the reduced fraction of 6/20? 3/10
  6. What are three equivalent fractions to 1/3? 2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15 etc.

Word Problems

  1. 27 clown fish were swimming in the ocean. 12 more fish joined them. How many fish are there? 39
  2. 10 squirrels were sitting on a branch, 1 ran down and three ran to a nest, how many squirrels were left?6
  3. A male chimpanzee weights 150 lbs. how much do 2 male chimpanzees weigh? 300 lbs
  4. Sam’s brother is 48 inches tall. Sam is 37 inches tall.  How much taller is Sam’s brother? 11 inches
  5. The cat has five claws on her two  front paws, and four claws on your back two paws. How many paws does that cat have? 18 claws
  6. John brought 44 cookies to school for his birthday, there are 22 kids in johns class. How many cookies will each kid get? 

Finish the Pattern

  1. what are the next three numbers in this sequence? 10,20,30, ___,____,_____ (40,50,60)
  2. what are the next three numbers in this sequence? 5,10,15,20,___,____,_____ (25,30,35)
  3. what are the next two letters in this sequence? E,f,G,E, ___,_____(FG)
  4. what are the next three letters in this sequence? A,B,C,A,B,C,A ___,____,____ (BCA)
  5. What is the next number in this sequence? 1,2,4,8,16____ (32)
  6. what are the next two numbers in this sequence? 7,14,21,28,____,_____ (35,42)

Misc. Terms Trivia

  1. In math what do we call the solution to an addition problem? Sum
  2. A book that is based on actual events is called what? Nonfiction
  3. In math what do we call the solution to a subtraction problem? Difference
  4. A word that modifies a verb. Adverb
  5. What is the supply of electric current to a house or other building for heating, lighting, or powering appliances. electricity
  6. What is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth’s crust? earthquake

Transportation Trivia

  1. This kind of transportation usually has two wheels and a chain, it is meant for only one person, you do not need a drivers license use this vehicle? Bicycle
  2. What kind of vehicle is used in emergencies to transport people who need medical assistance? Ambulance
  3. This kind of transportation is guided by a rail, it is faster than a car or truck but slower than an airplane, when you get on it is usually at a station. train 
  4. This kind of transportation takes only a few people high in the air in a basket. Hot air Balloon
  5. What type of transportation carries large fright or many people by water? Ship
  6. What kind of transportation travels in the air rather quickly but only holds a handful of passengers? Helicopter

1980’s Trivia

  1. In 1982, this musical artist releases the album Thriller, which featured songs like, beat it and billy jean which went on to sell over 20 million copies. Michael Jackson
  2. 1986 the challenger blew up.  What was the challenger? A Space ship
  3. This previously lost vessel that sank in 1912 and was the inspiration one of the most popular movies of the late 1990’s was is finally found and recorded on video in 1985. Titanic
  4. In 1985, the NES was the first revolutionary video game system sold by this company, who also is the creator of the Wii, and the switch.  Nintendo
  5. In 1983 the first one of these was created, its purpose is to easily communicate with others while not at home. Cell phone
  6. What president took office in 1981? Ronald Regan

Grab Bag Trivia for kids

  1. What gaming console allows you to play while move around and swinging a remote, in games like tennis, golf, boxing, and bowling to name a few. Wii
  2. Name 2 of the four ninja turtles. Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael and Michael Angelo
  3. What two colors would you mix together to make purple? Blue and red
  4. What shape is a stop sign? Octagon
  5. Which ancient people built pyramids? Egyptians
  6. who said I have a dream? Dr. Martin Luther King

Shapes and Colors Trivia

  1. How many sides a triangle have? 3
  2. What colors do you get when you mix red and yellow? Orange
  3. how many sides do dice have? 6
  4. typically what color is a sunflower? yellow
  5. How many sides does a stop sign have? 8
  6. primary colors are colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors together, name all three? Red, blue, yellow

Months Trivia

  1. What month is Thanksgiving in? November
  2. What month is independence day in? July
  3. What month has the least amount of days? February
  4. What month does spring start in? March
  5. What month is Labor day in? September
  6. Every four years what month is the president sworn into office? January

Food Trivia

  1. Lures, reels, rods, hooks, baits and nets are common equipment used in what food gathering method?fishing
  2. Dairy products are made from what common liquid? Milk
  3. What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween? Pumpkins
  4. What color are kiwis on the inside? Green  
  5. What fruit is not grown on a tree? Lemons, apples, strawberries, or bananas? strawberries
  6. What food is used as the base of guacamole? Avocado

Wisconsin Trivia

  1. What is the capital of Wisconsin? Madison
  2. What is Wisconsins state mammal? Badger
  3. What is the 2 letter postal code abbreviation for Wisconsin? WI
  4. Name three of the 4 states that touch borders with Wisconsin? Illionis, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa
  5. Who is governor of Wisconsin? Tony Evers
  6. What year did Wisconsin enter the Union, 1839, 1848, 1901, 1913? 1848

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cynthia

    This is amazing. My kids were engaged for more than 1 hour and I actually had to stop because I was tired!!! Thank you for your hard work in putting this together. You are awesome. The only request I have is to correct the name to Barack Obama not just Obama. Again thank you !!!

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