Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

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Turn a classic game into an active group game for kids. Rock, paper, scissors tag encourages teamwork, strategy and physical activity!


  • Large playing space
  • Cones if preferred


Place two cones about 8 feet apart in the playing area. Split the kids into two groups.  Assign each group to a cone. Explain that this is a group game of rock, paper scissors.

How to Play Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

Before each round each group will decide together if they will be rock, paper or scissors. When the teams has selected either rock, paper or scissors they will then line up side by side inline with their cone. The teams will face away from each others.

When both teams are ready everyone says, “Rock paper scissors shoot”.  On shoot everyone turns around and with their hand shows either rock, paper or scissors.

Paper beats rock
Rock beats scissors
Scissors beats paper

The team with the winning motion will chase the others and try to tag them. The losing team will run away to the gym wall or designated space trying to avoid the tag. If someone gets tagged, they switch teams. The game continues until everyone is on one team. If the teams do the same motion it’s a do-over.

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