Finger Printing Activity

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This simple STEM activity uses items you already have on hand. Encourage children to examine their unique fingerprint with this fun finger printing activity for kids.

Finger Printing Supplies

Start this activity with an introductory to fingerprints. SciShow Kids has a quick video on fingerprints that gives kids a fast lesson.

To successfully gather fingerprints you will need honey, baby powder or baking soda, a makeup brush, white and dark colored paper and clear tape.

To make sure you can see and lift fingerprints you will want baby powder or cornstarch so you can lift prints from dark colored items. You will also want to have cocoa powder to see and lift fingerprints from light colored items.

How to Dust for Fingerprints

Put a small dab of honey on your finger tip so that it is covered, then wipe away excess honey. Then press your finger firmly onto a smooth surface such as a glass, vase, doorknob or smooth tabletops.

Next decide which powder will show up the best on that surface. Have kids take a pinch of powder and sprinkle it over the finger print area. Take the brush and lightly brush the excess powder away. If the dusting is done in the correct area the fingerprint will appear. ​

finger printing activity for kids brush

After kids find the fingerprint with the dusting powder have them take a piece of tape and carefully stick it onto the print. Pull the tape up and place the tape on a piece of white or dark colored paper. The color of paper you use will depending on the color of powder you use. If you used light powder put the print on the dark paper, and if you used dark powder put the tape on the white paper.

finger printing activity for kids dusting powder

Make it a Fingerprint Mystery

Make it a challenge Have children use a marker to color their right pointer finger with a dark colored marker. Then quickly press their finger onto a piece of paper, making sure to roll the finger to get a good print. After you have the right pointer finger print of every kids, secretly select one child to place their honey fingerprint on a random object. Have children dust the object for prints and try and discover the owner of the print.

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