Tinfoil Boats Engineering Challenge

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The tinfoil boats engineering challenge asks kids to think outside the box and build a unique boat that will float and hold 100 pennies. 

The tinfoil boats engineering challenge asks kids to think outside the box and build a unique boat that will float and hold 100 pennies.

What is the Tinfoil Boat Challenge?

The Tinfoil boat challenge is a two part engineering activity that asks kids to build a boat using tinfoil and other supplies.  Firstly make a boat the floats.  Secondly make that boat hold 100 pennies.

How to Setup the Tinfoil Challenge

Give kids a sheet of tinfoil and present them with other materials that will help them build a stable boat.  Some supplies that may be useful include, wooden craft sticks, straws, tape and glue.

Fill a large sink or clear storage tote with water. If weather allows this activity is best done outdoors.  If you do it indoors, you will need a lot of towels or a mop. 

Administrate the Tinfoil Boats Challenge

Ask the kiddos what they know about boats. What are they made of? Wood? Metal? Ask why some things float while others sink.  This discussion is meant to get them thinking.  

Present them with the supplies.  Tell them their first challenge is to build a boat that floats.   Their second challenge is to build a boat that can hold 100 pennies. Allow the children five minutes to build their boat.  One at a time, allow children to place their boat in the water to see if it floats.  Ask them if there are ways they can improve their design.  Allow them to make changes for another 10 – 15 minutes.

Tin foil boat challenge for kids

After each individual or group successfully creates a boat, gather the children together around the water.  Have one boat at a time enter the water and get out the pennies.  Then have the kiddos add pennies one at a time until all the pennies are on the boat or until the boat sinks.  Remove the pennies from the water and place the next boat in the water, repeating until every group or individual boat has succeeded. ​

My Experience with the Tinfoil Boats Challenge

Kids could do this all day.  They loved the engineering aspect as well as the little bit of water play.  If you enjoy the tinfoil boat challenge take it a step further with the clay boat challenge. Where kids use clay to create a boat that will hold marbles.

Want even more boat building activities? Check out InspirationLaboratories.com to see their 25 ways to build a boat!

Happy Building!​

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